Final Fantasy 14: We were all a noob once.


Final Fantasy 14: We were all a noob once.

So, what to expect if you decide to play FF14?  First, off you will be given free access to the base game and the first expansion Heavensward up to level 60, if you want to play past level 60, there is a subscription service that costs £7.69 a month.  You can view the opening credits and then hit the start game button.  This takes you to a screen to choose your data centre and home world. If you want to play with friends, you choose the same locations as them; if not, you are free to go wherever you like. 

Final Fantasy races

Each FF14 race has different lore and characteristics, it won’t really impact the gameplay based on what race and gender you choose, it is mostly aesthetic and starting stats do not make a difference to your overall gameplay.  Below is a little about each race in FF14:


These are Midlander and Highlanders

They are your run-of-the-mill humans of Eorzea, they are of average height and build.  Midlanders tend to be from the lowlands and highlanders from mountain areas.


Dunesfolk and Plainsfolk

Originating from an island on the South seas, they are known for being stocky and childlike in appearance.  Don’t discredit this cute race are they are known to bite and have a love of Gil which is in-game currency.


Wildwood and Duskwight

They are a race resembling elves, they are tall and slim with long limbs and long pointed ears.  They have a heightened sense of honour and pride making them rather the snobs of FF14.  


Seekers of the sun and keepers of the Moon

Think human kitty cats and you are not far wrong here with their furry ears and fluffy tails. They live in clans and tend to shy away from contact with others.


Rava and Veena

This race is a mixture of humanoid and leporine, so think tall bunny boys and girls here.  They tend to be closed off from other races living in the jungle and have only recently ventured into the Eorzea population.


Raen and Xaela

What do you get if you picture Hyur and dragons mixed? This would be the aura with their scales, horns, and long lizard-like tails.  The males are known for being very tall and the females are small in nature.


Seawolfs and Hellsguard

Maritime race is known for being the bodybuilders of Eorzea.  At first, look can be intimidating but big softies at heart….. usually. Both males and females are tall and muscular.


Helions and The Lost

Another feline race, but these fellas aren’t cute furries, they resemble the look of lions.  At present only male characters are available but females will be implemented at a later date.

Character customisation

Once you choose your race you have the option to customise your appearance including height, hair and eye colour as well as add tattoos, change haircuts etc.  Don’t worry if you change your mind as you can use a fantasia potion to change your race and there’s an aesthetician in-game to give you haircuts.

My Opinion

The main character I play is a Highlander as I like the way she looks, and I like how she is easy to see on screen.  Think Zena warrior princess but with blonde hair.  The customisation screen lets you really make your character look totally unique.  There are no sliders at present to change your weight and this is a feature that I would like to see added to the game. I am also looking forward to the implementation of female Hrothgar.  Next, you can find out about job classes here
